Knowledge Base

Search and Manage

The search page is where you can review your plans and search your library, along with other functionalities.

To go to the search page, select ‘Search’ on the side menu.

Plan Match for Revit - Main Menu -Search

View: Switch between grid or table view to display your content as a list or tiles.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Grid and Lines

Fields: Your content in the list view is organized with fields such as type, area, project name, address, tags, and more.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Fields

You can sort your content by clicking on the fields. Click the field title  to sort by it.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Arrow

To hide or show fields, right-click and select the desired fields.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Hide Fields

Search by Text: Allows you to use free text.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Text

Filters: Narrow down search results by using filters such as:

  • Categories
  • Types (areas and rooms)
  • Date of Creation
  • Area Range
  • Compatibility with Your Revit Version
Plan Match for Revit - Search - Filters

Home: Click the home button to reset your search to the default state.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Home

Search by Shape: Click ‘Choose area/room in Revit’, then select an area or room from the Revit view.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Shape

The ‘Match’ field will display and sort results by percentage, showing how closely each plan matches the selected area or room.


1) The more content you have, the more accurate and closer the matches will be.

2) You can combine shape-based search with text search and apply additional filters for more precise results.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Match

You may undo your areas/rooms selection by clicking: ‘Clear selection’.

Plan Match for Revit - Search - Clear Shape
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