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What is Sun Shadow Study or Solar Study?

Shadow Study / Solar Study is a set of illustrations that demonstrate the shadow impact from the proposed development.
The illustrations usually differentiate the proposed/approved building’s cast shadow from the existing context’s shadows.
The Shadow Colour tool allows you to do just that by assigning colours to each building’s shadow.

Set Revit view for shadow study

1. Open a view in Revit.
2. On the view control bar, enable shadows.

Shadow on

3. Under Sun Settings, set the time, the date and the location for the project, and enable Daylight Saving if needed.

4. Under Graphic Display Options, ensure ‘Smooth lines with anti-aliasing’ is unchecked.

5. Make sure crop view is enabled.

Shadow Colour ver 1.1.7 Crop

6. Add a scale bar (a detail family) to the view – Recommended.

Shadow Colour scale bar

7. Open ‘Shadow Colour’ from the Add-Ins tab.

Shdow Colour Add-in

You’re now ready to start your shadow study! Continue to the next article to learn how to conduct your study.

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