Knowledge Base

Viewing Your Plans

On the search page, when selecting a plan from the list, a viewer will open. The viewer provides detailed information about the plan and various action options.

Plan Match for Revit - Viewer

General information

  • Name
  • Project
  • Address
Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - General Information


The preview displays the plan with the same graphics saved from the source Revit view. It includes:

  • Zoom in/out and move functionality.
  • An arrow to indicate the true north direction.
Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - Preview Image
More Information

Under ‘More Information’, you can find additional details such as:

  • Area
  • Created By: The user who stored the plan
  • Creation Date
  • Last Updated
  • Revit Version
  • Plan Match Version
Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - More Info
File Location

Click on the document icon to see the file location path.

Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - File Path
Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - File Location
Tags and Categories
  • Add Tags
  • Category: Change the category or create a new one by typing.
  • Comments: Add comments to be attached to the plan.
Custom Properties

See additional custom Revit parameters.

Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - Custom Prop

Under the action section, you can:

  • Open in Revit: This action will open the source Revit file and zoom in on the plan itself. This function allows you to:
    • Explore the plan further within its original project context.
    • See information on families and room parameters.
    • Copy and reuse the plan or its elements (copy from project to project).
  • Save: Save any changes made.
Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - Actions - Open and Save
  • Sync with Revit: Keep the plan up-to-date and synchronized with the source Revit file.
  • Duplicate: Save as a new copy.
  • Remove: Delete the plan from Plan Match. (To remove items in bulk, select multiple items from the list.)
Search by Shape

When searching by shape, the selected area/room outline from Revit will be overlaid on the plan in the preview window. The outline acts like trace paper, indicating how closely the plan matches the selected area shape. The outline can be moved, rotated and mirrored. 

Plan Match for Revit - Viewer - Match
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