Knowledge Base

Camera Settings

You can find the camera settings in the top-right corner of the view.

Reset Camera Position​

To return the camera to its default position, click on the view reset icon located at the top-right corner of the 3D view.

Camera Presets​

The camera menu offers two presets:

  • Perspective: This setting creates a depth effect where lines converge towards a horizon, making some items appear closer and others farther away.
  • Orthographic: In this mode, lines remain parallel, removing the perspective effect.

To switch between camera types, click the camera icon at the 3D view’s top-right.

Save View​

1. Click on the camera icon at the 3D view’s top-right and select ‘Save View’.

2. Enter a name for the new view and click ‘OK’. This view will then be accessible from the camera’s list.

Delete and Rename Views​

1. Click on the camera icon and select ‘Manage’.

2. You may rename or delete a view by clicking on the garbage bin icon next to the view name.

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Agile Form - Software for architects