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Shadow Colour for SketchUp®
Shadow Colour for Autodesk® Revit®
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Export Images and GIFs
You may export multiple images at once using time Interval.
- Go to ‘File’ → ‘Export’ → ‘Time Interval’
- Select the date, time range, and interval.
- Select the export mode.
‘File’ – Export the images as files
‘Sheet’ – Place the images onto a sheet. - Select the image quality
- Optionally, choose if you want to add Superposition image. Superposition image is an image that overlays all images together into one shadow study image.
- Optionally, choose if you want to export a GIF file containing an animation of all the shadow study images. If so, choose how much delay in milliseconds to have for each image.
- For the ‘Sheet’ export mode, Select layout and the preferred title block.
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