Knowledge Base
Shadow Colour for SketchUp®
Shadow Colour for Autodesk® Revit®
Planary for Autodesk® Revit®
Planary for Autodesk® AutoCAD®
Plan Match for Autodesk® Revit®
Account Management
Project Preferences
The project preferences allows you to change color for usages, efficiency, average unit size and more.
You can reach the preferences through the Menu bar → ‘Options’ → ‘Preferences’.
In the project preferences, you can customize the project parameters:
A. Efficiency – the percentage of the gross floor area (GFA) from the total area
Sell Efficiency – the percentage of the net salable area (NSA) from the total area
B. Project units
C. Average residential unit size
D. Ratio of required parking spaces per residential unit
E. Cost evaluation per m2 or ft2
F. Customize Building spaces/Building section/Land use
G. Add new space
H. Re-name space
I. Change colour by using the colour picker or assigning a colour code
J. Delete space
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